Channers accuse Jordan Peterson

A channer wrote:

Been doing some serious digging, I can prove all of this: Peterson worked for the United Nations for three years and has ties to some serious globalist think tanks, specifically George Soros’ INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking), and CIGI (Centre for International Governance Innovation). He was a UN adviser to Jim Balsillie (ex-CEO of RIM/Blackberry), who was working on a UN panel called ‘The United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability’. This UN panel produced a document that is essentially a Marxist NWO blueprint, and this document was later built upon and referenced by a UN panel that John Podesta sat on called ‘The United Nations High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons On the Post-2015 Development Agenda’. Both of these panels laid the groundwork for the ‘United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’.

Jim Balsillie is the founder of CIGI and co-founded INET with George Soros. CIGI is in fact partnered with and receives funding from INET, as well as from the Clinton Foundation. CIGI is a major Marxist globalist NWO think tank, involved with the G20, and it even appears to have some sort of ties to the CIA. Balsillie had two additional UN advisers (Paul Jenkins, Simon Zadek) and a UN “sherpa” (David Runnalls) in addition to Peterson while working at the UN, and all three of them were from CIGI.

Now listen to this, the founder of the ‘Intellectual Dark Web’ is none other than Eric Weinstein, and he’s listed as an official “expert” at INET. So not only is Peterson tied to INET through Balsillie, this ‘Intellectual Dark Web’ garbage he’s a part of is the spawn of a Soros INET think tank expert.

Here is where things start to get really weird. Last year when Peterson testified at the Bill C-16 senate hearing, he had a brief debate with a senator named Ratna Omidvar, a woman who was arguing in favor of Bill C-16. It just so turns out that Ratna Omidvar is involved with CIGI and another globalist enterprise of Jim Balsillie’s called ‘Balsillie School of International Affairs’. Omidvar is a hardcore Marxist who runs something called the ‘Maytree Foundation’.

A Jewish psychologist by the name of Norman Doidge, a personal colleague of Peterson’s who he’s sometimes given talks with, wrote the foreword to Peterson’s new book ’12 Rules for Life’. He too is involved with CIGI, and just as recently as February of this year did an interview in The Globe and Mail with Jim Balsillie (about smart phone addiction). In that very foreword, Doidge wrote that a Jewish TV producer named Wodek Szemberg who was “always on the lookout for potential public intellectuals” met Peterson in 2004. Szemberg worked at TV Ontario for a man named Steve Paikin producing a show called ‘The Agenda’ which has more than once been involved with CIGI, including once in 2009 when CIGI hosted the show.

Are you beginning to see the bigger picture? Peterson is deeply involved with powerful globalist oligarchs, Marxsits, and Jews, while pretending to be against the very plans that those same people and their think tanks and foundations are working towards. Peterson has sort of tried to minimize his work done for the UN by stating that he rewrote the document they produced to “remove the ideological clap trap”, but the document is nevertheless a Marxist globalist NWO artifact. In reality, Peterson proudly lists working for the UN with Jim Balsillie under his credentials, and his colleagues and network to this day are directly tied to Jim Balsillie’s and George Soros’ globalist think tanks.

I’m still working to flesh out more of the details, but Peterson’s academic pedigree without a doubt goes straight back to MKUltra and the CIA. Peterson did his post-doc under a man named Maurice Dongier. Dongier obtained his degree in psychiatry in 1954 at McGill University, training at the Allan Memorial Institute. The Allan Memorial Institute was founded and directed by Donald Ewen Cameron, who was contracted by the CIA to conduct MKUltra mind control experiments there between the years 1957 and 1964. After completing his post-doc, Peterson then went on to teach at Harvard for five years, taking up Timothy Leary’s old position.

Peterson also has ties to hardcore Zionist organizations. Last year, Peterson was a keynote speaker with Ezra Levant at an event put on by ‘Canadians for Balfour 100’ where he gave a speech about how wonderful Jews are and how everyone is envious of Israel. This organization has direct ties to B’Nai Brith and a host of other Canadian and international Zionist organizations.

United Nations

Peterson proudly listing his work with Jim Balsillie and the UN:

The document produced by ‘The United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability’ (Peterson’s name is listed in the document with Jim Balsillie, Paul Jenkins, Simon Zadek, and David Runnalls):

Click to access GSP_Report_web_final.pdf

In this video at the 1m6s mark Peterson speaks about his involvement with the panel, saying he rewrote the document that was released:

John Podesta served on the ‘United Nations High-Level Panel of eminent persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda’:

The report they released is here, which references and builds upon the report Peterson helped produce (won’t archive for some reason):

Click to access HLP_P2015_Report.pdf


Jim Balsillie founded CIGI (Centre for International Governance Innovation):

Jim Balsillie also co-founded INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking) with George Soros:

CIGI is partnered with and receives millions in funding from INET:

CIGI is also funded by and partnered with the Clinton Foundation:

CIGI G20 involvement:

CIGI potential ties to the CIA:

>On Sept. 13th, Bruce Riedel, one of the former heads of the CIA, gave a talk entitled “Obama, Romney and Iran” at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) in Waterloo.

>So what was he doing in Canada? He told the crowd of 500 that he was strong-armed by his buddies, Janet Lang and James Blight, professors at the newly-opened Balsillie School for International Affairs, kitty-corner to CIGI’s headquarters.

Eric Weinstein

Eric Weinstein is an official expert at INET:

Peterson’s debate with Ratna Omidvar at the Bill C-16 hearing:

Ratna Omidvar speking at ‘Balsillie School of International Affairs’:

Immigration – Crisis or Opportunity?

Article mentioning speech:

Ratna Omidvar is a contributor to, a publication run by CIGI:

>Ratna Omidvar is a member of the Senate of Canada, and an internationally recognized expert on migration, diversity and inclusion. She is the founding Executive Director of the Global Diversity Exchange at Ryerson University, Toronto.

Ratna Omidvar was a speaker with Jim Balsillie at ‘Sustainability Network 15th Anniversary’ in September 2012. This was while Peterson was serving as UN adviser for Jim Balsillie:

Sustainability Network 15th Anniversary

A document on Jim Balsillie’s CIGI website references a document from Maytree Foundation, Ratna Omidvar’s foundation:

Click to access 6degrees_working_paper_web.pdf

Norman Doidge

Norman Doidge interviews Jim Balsillie about “smart phone addiction” in February 2018:



Wodek Szemberg & Steve Paikin

Here is a speech given by Wodek Szemberg entitled ‘Why So Few Atheists in the Media’?

>note that Peterson is in fact an agnostic atheist occultist posing as a “Christian”

Wodek Szemberg worked at TV Ontario for Steve Paikin producing a show called ‘The Agenda’:

In 2009 CIGI hosted The Agenda with Steve Paikin:

>The Agenda with Steve Paikin will broadcast live from The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) on March 30, as part of TVO’s On the Road tour.

>Special guests for this production include Jim Balsillie, CIGI Chair of the Board and co-CEO of Research In Motion

In 2012 Steve Paikin’s The Agenda broadcast a CIGI panel discussion:

Academic Pedigree

Maurice Dongier:

>Dongier received his medical degree in Marseille in 1951 and took his training at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Quebec, receiving his diploma in psychiatry from McGill University in 1954.

Peterson did his post-doc under Maurice Dongier:

The Perils of A University Education

>I did my post-doc with Dr. Pihl, and Maurice Dongier. Then I taught at Harvard for six years, and I’ve been at the University of Toronto ever since then.

Donald Ewen Cameron and the Allan Watts Institute:

>During the 1950s and 1960s, Cameron became involved in what has later become known as the MKUltra mind control program, which was covertly sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and which eventually led to the publication of the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual.

>He commuted from Albany to Montreal every week to work at McGill’s Allan Memorial Institute and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there.

Peterson took Timothy Leary’s position at Harvard (6m25s):


Peterson’s speech at the Zionist Balfour centennial event put on by ‘Canadians for Balfour 100’:

>On May 18, 2017, Canadians for Balfour 100 and The Speakers Action Group presented the special event “The Balfour Declaration: Its Significance for Christian, Muslim, Jew” with Dr. Jordan Peterson, Salim Mansur, and Ezra Levant.

Canadians for Balfour 100 About Us page:

I found something else while digging that I think is rather strange. For some reason Jordan Peterson was interviewed in 2010 about the Cornwall Ontario pedophile ring scandal, and Peterson explained why “conspiracy theories” as a whole are always total nonsense:

>”It’s very difficult to disprove a conspiracy theory, because every bit of disproving evidence can be just written off as additional evidence that these conspirators are particularly intelligent and sneaky,” he said.

>Conspiracy theories are usually started by people who are very untrusting and it gathers steam among others who are somewhat untrusting, Peterson said.

>They’re psychologically compelling because they neatly tie together troubling facts or assertions, he said. When things go badly there are often many explanations, and an orchestrated conspiracy “should be pretty low on your list of plausible hypotheses,” Peterson said.

>”A good rule of thumb is: Don’t presume malevolence where stupidity is sufficient explanation,” he said.

>”Organizations can act badly and things can fall apart without any group of people driving that.”

Why was Peterson randomly interviewed to help sweep a major pedophile ring investigation under the rug, and why was Peterson using the CIA created term “conspiracy theory” to help do this? Here’s a website about the pedo ring:


It’s worth noting too that Peterson used the same language of “conspiracy theories” in his recent article about the JQ, where he accused anyone who asks questions about Jewish power of “conspiracy theorist”: “conspiracy theories are the lowest form of intellectual enterprise”.

On the so-called “Jewish Question”

Note that the following allegations appear to be separate from the main thread: they might be disinfo:

[start unproven allegations]

In 1942 the OSS is formed, and Dulles goes to Switzerland, gets in with Jung’s circle, bangs one of his patients (Mary Bancroft), meets Jung, and gives him the code name “Agent 488”. Jung offers his expertise on the psychological profiling of military leaders. Most of Jung’s work for the OSS is classified, but it appears he was in contact through his circle with elements of internal resistance on the German side.

As early as 1938 Jung said the way to defeat Hitler was to turn him towards Russia, and that Germany should be split in two. Since stopping the westward-sweeping Red Tide was a prime goal of the OSS, it looks like this worked out exactly as Jung predicted: Germany was ruined against Russia as a sacrificial lamb to save the rest of the West from Communism.

In 1945 the OSS worked with Billy Wilder to make propaganda films about German atrocities. This is the source of the lampshade story in the public mind, a very powerful symbol indeed. This footage would be shown to German civilians and to schoolchildren across the entire West well into the 1980s as an early form of trauma-based mind control.

A couple years later the OSS is dismantled and transformed into the CIA. In 1953, Dulles, now head of the CIA, launches Project MK Ultra.

In 1957, Donald Ewen Cameron begins his MK Ultra “psychic driving” experiments at the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University in Montreal. Cameron was also a member of the Medical Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1946. He published a book in 1948 in which he expresses that the German people display a unique propensity for psychological deviance and pathology.

Cameron’s experiments at McGill carry on the research of D.O. Hebb, who also had CIA connections, and worked to understand sensory deprivation’s effects on IQ. Hebb conducted some of his work on orphans and aboriginal children; another of his experimental patients was a young Leonard Cohen, who would go on to do murkily documented work at Columbia (another MK epicenter), and later be recommended to move to Hydra by none other than Jacob Rothschild.

Cameron’s MK experiments include massive LSD doses, induced comas, electroshock therapy, and tape loops, all efforts to wipe the memory and personality of his patients and implant new information into their psyches, as well as refining techniques to extract information from “resistant” subjects (torture interrogation).

In 1954, Maurice Dongier receives his diploma in psychiatry from McGill, having studied under Cameron at the Allen Memorial Institute. He does some work in Europe, and returns to become its director in 1971, taking Cameron’s old chair.

Fast forward to the early 1990s: Jordan Peterson completes his PHD in Clinical Psychology at McGill, and stays to do post-graduate work with Maurice Dongier before going to Harvard (another MK hot spot), taking Timothy Leary’s (another CIA-connected figure) old chair.

[end allegations]

Apparently Peterson lifted his entire radical individualism ideology straight out of one of Jung’s books entitled ‘The Undiscovered Self’ (which was dedicated to someone involved with the Rockefeller dynasty):

>The comparison with the “Intellectual Dark Web” – the kosher assortment of academic “renegades” that includes Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Thiel Capital executive Eric Weinstein – is appropriate in view of the fact that Jung dedicated The Undiscovered Self “To my friend Fowler McCormick” – a scion of the Rockefeller dynasty with whom Jung was close. “By the 1940s Fowler was proving the best expression of Rockefeller-McCormick liberal values,” writes Clarice Stasz in The Rockefeller Women. “Committed to correcting past injustices brought upon African-Americans, he was a major fundraiser for such groups as the United Negro College Fund Campaign and the Committee on Race Relations.” He was “in the forefront of American businesses in establishing antidiscriminatory hiring practices”3 – which is to say, undercutting white labor.

>I found something else while digging that I think is rather strange. For some reason Jordan Peterson was interviewed in 2010 about the Cornwall Ontario pedophile ring scandal, and Peterson explained why “conspiracy theories” as a whole are always total nonsense:

>>”It’s very difficult to disprove a conspiracy theory, because every bit of disproving evidence can be just written off as additional evidence that these conspirators are particularly intelligent and sneaky,” he said.

>>Conspiracy theories are usually started by people who are very untrusting and it gathers steam among others who are somewhat untrusting, Peterson said.

>>They’re psychologically compelling because they neatly tie together troubling facts or assertions, he said. When things go badly there are often many explanations, and an orchestrated conspiracy “should be pretty low on your list of plausible hypotheses,” Peterson said.

>>”A good rule of thumb is: Don’t presume malevolence where stupidity is sufficient explanation,” he said.

>>”Organizations can act badly and things can fall apart without any group of people driving that.”



>Why was Peterson randomly interviewed to help sweep a major pedophile ring investigation under the rug, and why was Peterson using the CIA created term “conspiracy theory” to help do this? Here’s a website about the pedo ring:


>It’s worth noting too that Peterson used the same language of “conspiracy theories” in his recent article about the JQ, where he accused anyone who asks questions about Jewish power of “conspiracy theorist”: “conspiracy theories are the lowest form of intellectual enterprise”.



A limited hangout is the deliberate revelation of some information (e.g. about malfeasance) to try to confuse and/or prevent discovery of other information. A modified limited hangout goes further, by slightly changing the information disclosed.

Norman Doidge listed on CIGI’s website:

>Norman Doidge, M.D., is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and author of The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain’s Way of Healing. He is on the research faculty at Columbia University’s Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research and on the faculty at the University of Toronto’s Department of Psychiatry.

Q&A period of a talk Doidge gave with Peterson (hosted by Faith Goldy) put on by ‘Speakers Action Panel’. It’s in this video Doidge goes on about how antisemitism is rebellion to the “masculine” authority figure of the rabbi (pure Frankfurt School pilpul):

David Runnals

David Runnalls served as Jim Balsillie’s UN “sherpa” while Peterson was serving as Balsillie’s UN adviser. Runnals was appointment as chairman and CEO of ‘International Institute for Sustainable Development’ (IISD):

David Runnalls distinguished fellow at CIGI:

>David Runnalls is one of Canada’s most distinguished leaders and visionaries in the sustainability sector and a determined advocate for international cooperation. As Distinguished Fellow and Acting Director of the Environment and Energy Program at CIGI, he provides strategic advice and support for Jim Balsillie’s role at the United Nations’ High-level Panel on Global Sustainability and also for CIGI’s environment and energy work program.

>He currently serves on the Royal Dutch Shell Sustainability Report External Review Committee and is a member of the CCICED Task Force on Trade and Investment. Runnalls is also a member of the Steering Committee for Sustainable Prosperity and Visiting Professor of Geography at the University of Ottawa. For the last 11 years, he was President of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development in Geneva. He has also served as a member of the Advisory Council for Export Development Canada, the Council for Sustainable Development Technology Canada, the Ivey Business School Sustainable Business Network, the federal External Advisory Committee on Smart Regulation, as well as Co-Chair of the China Council Task Force on WTO and Environment. An occasional writer and broadcaster, he has served as environment columnist for the CBC radio program As it Happens and for CTV’s Canada am. He was a member of the Discovery Channel’s regular environment panel and political columnist for the Earth Times, the paper of record for the United Nations Earth Summit in 1992.
{cornwall pedo}

Former Ontario police officer who investigated Cornwall pedophile ring arrested in B.C. (2009)

>A former Ontario police officer was arrested in front of his family and supporters at his Duncan, B.C. home on Sunday.

>Perry Dunlop resigned from the Ontario Provincial Police in 2000 and moved with his family to B.C., because he says he was harassed and ostracized in his home province for being a whistleblower.

>An inquiry was called last year into a case Dunlop investigated involving an alleged pedophile ring in the 1990s. A warrant was issued in January for his arrest when he refused to testify.

>As a policeman in Cornwall, Ont., Dunlop uncovered what he called a pedophile ring involving prominent members of the community.

>In 1993, Dunlop came across documents showing one alleged sexual abuse victim had received a $32,000 payout from the Alexandria-Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese.

>The fallout from the discovery eventually led to the OPP launching its four-year Project Truth investigation into abuse allegations.

>It led to the laying of 114 charges against 15 prominent members of the community. However, only one person ever served jail time.

>Dunlop was convinced there was an organized pedophile ring in Cornwall, but other investigators said they found no evidence of that.

Why was Jordan B. Peterson randomly carted out by the media to dismiss the Cornwall pedophile ring investigation as a “conspiracy theory”???

Peterson’s words about the Cornwall pedophile ring scandal were first published by The Winnipeg Free Press on 16/12/2009 (by Allison Jones of The Canadian Press):

This article has been SCRUBBED from the Internet.

The link in the post I’m replying to was some kind of partial republishing of the Winnipeg Free Press article by a small town Nova Scotia paper of some kind.

{munk basile soros}

During the time Jordan Peterson was working with Jim Balsillie at the UN, Balsillie attended the ‘Canadian International Council’ annual gala dinner on November 15 2010. Here are some photos of him hobnobbing with George Soros and Peter Munk, among others. Peter Munk is listed as one of the top six globalists in Canada by ‘The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics’:

Masterlist of 1,300 NGOs and the top 400 people in them

Balsillie is also picture with Hartley T. Richardson, Peter Munk, George Soros, and David Dodge.

George Soros wrote about Jim Balsillie on his personal website: (not sure if this archived properly)

My Philanthropy

>I found a cosponsor in Jim Balsillie, of BlackBerry fame, and we are on the way to achieving a two-to-one match of funds. I consider this essential to ensure the independence of INET, since I am the advocate of an alternative paradigm as well as a sponsor. This will give me an excellent opportunity to develop my conceptual frame further, although I see limits to how far I can go. I am too old to learn economic modeling, especially as I was no good at math even when I was young. I am also interested in the issues of global regulation and reform of the international currency system. As I immerse myself in these subjects, however, I realize that it would be a misuse of my time and energy to get bogged down in details. I can be more productive by sticking to the big picture. This brings me to my top priority for the Open Society Foundations. (not sure if archived properly)

>George Soros, Chair of the Soros Fund Management LLC and Founder of the Open Society Foundations, will be honoured with the Globalist of the Year Award at the Canadian International Council’s (CIC) Annual Gala Dinner on November 15 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto.

>The hosts of the dinner are Jim Balsillie, Chair, Canadian International Council (CIC) and Co-CEO, Research In Motion (RIM) and Hartley T. Richardson, President and CEO, James Richardson & Sons and Chair, Canadian Council of Chief Executives.

Catholic mass graves:

Peterson just today did a “””debate””” at ‘Munk Debates’:

Munk Debates as created by Peter Munk, mega globalist pictured with Jim Balsillie and George Soros

[Peterson is connected to Munk]

Peter Munk

Info on Peter Munk:

>Jewish National Fund

>Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Wilson Center)

>Went to 40th birthday of Nathaniel Rothschild (pic related)

>Americas Society

>World Gold Council (WGC)

>Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto

>1001: A Nature’s Trust (1001 Club)

>Barrick Gold (founder and chair, largest gold mining company on Earth)


>Donald Cameron didn’t found the Allan Memorial institute, you misread the wiki page you got that from. Donald Cameron founded MKUltra, the Allan Memorial Institute was founded in 1940 and Cameron only worked there from ’57-’64.

False: Donald Ewen Cameron founded the psychiatry department at the McGill:

Click to access srp_psychiatry_mcgill_2011_1.pdf

>Founded in 1943 by Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, our department was the first department of psychiatry in Canada

>initially situated at the Allan Memorial Institute [AMI], which opened in 1944

>he certainly didn’t take over from Leary as you claim

That’s not quite what I stated, is it? Peterson’s own words in webm here: >>11591520

<Peterson: “I had Timothy Leary’s old job.” >But I don’t see how this is pro-Kike. Hitler himself encouraged Jews to emigrate to palestine

>I don’t see how ZIONISM IS PRO-KIKE


>Intellectual dark web connection

>Peterson didn’t have anything to do with making the website or coining the term.

Peterson played dumb on twitter pretending he “didn’t know about this Intellectual Dark Web” then proceeded to shill it for days (he even soothed Gad Saad’s bruised ego when Saad whined on twitter that he wasn’t mentioned enough in the NYT article about the IDW). Peterson also has direct ties to many of the other featured intellectuals on the IDW, including the likes of Bret Weinstein, Camille Paglia, Steven Pinker, Gad Saad, and Ben Shapiro. In fact I think a separate graph should be created to map the relationships between everyone associated with the IDW. You’re also acting like it’s no big deal that Eric Weinstein is an official “expert” at the INET think tank that was co-founded by the man Peterson worked for at the UN, Jim Balsillie.

>Balsillie didn’t have a UN “adviser” moron

Jordan B. Peterson was James Laurence Balsillie’s adviser at the UN, page 92 of this document and pic related:

Click to access GSP_Report_web_final.pdf

>>Produced UN report

>He edited it after removed social justice talking points as one of the editors for a single document on poverty

In Peterson’s words, he “rewrote the underlying narrative” of the document (1m6s):

The document was also not just about poverty. In fact the document should be examined in this thread to expose the UN’s agenda, among which includes enforcing “gender equality” globally.

>Peterson didn’t meet Podesta, didn’t have any control over who was on the panel.

Irrelevant, Peterson helped produce a UN document that is part of the DNA of NWO Agenda 2030. The fact that the UN panel John Podesta sat on referenced the document from the panel Peterson worked for is simply evidence of that fact, and Podesta’s involvement is evidence of the UN’s NWO agenda being linked to the corrupt establishment in the United States, which connects right back to the globalist think tanks founded by Jim Balsillie, the man Peterson worked for at the UN.


Let’s take a closer look at ‘Canadians for Balfour 100′, shall we?

Peterson’s keynote speech:

>come for a conversation with three dynamic speakers – Jordan Peterson, Salim Mansur and Ezra Levant. We invite you to attend this remarkable event where you will hear about the ongoing significance of The Balfour Declaration in today’s world.

>On May 18, 2017, Canadians for Balfour 100 and The Speakers Action Group presented the special event “The Balfour Declaration: Its Significance for Christian, Muslim, Jew” with Dr. Jordan Peterson, Salim Mansur, and Ezra Levant.

Here is the About Us page of Canadians for Balfour 100:

Just look at this:

Affiliated International Organizations

>Americans for a Safe Israel – Mark Langfan, Chairman and Helen Freedman, Executive Director

>Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) – Sarah Stern, Founder and President

>European Coalition for Israel (ECI) – Tomas Sandell, Founding Director

>International Legal Forum (ILF)

>The Israel Forever Foundation – Dr. Elena Yael Heideman, Executive Director

>Israel Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) – Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder and Director

>Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA)

>The Lawfare Project (TLP)

>Legal Grounds Campaign

>Women in Green (WIG)

Affiliated National Organizations

>B’nai Brith Canada – Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer

>Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR) – Goldi Steiner, Founder and Co-Chair

>Canadian Friends of Haifa University – Dr. Arnie Aberman, President

>Canadian Institute for Jewish Research (CIJR)

>Hasbara Fellowships Canada – Robert Walker, National Director

>International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) – Donna Holbrook, National Executive Director

>Israel Truth Week (ITW)

>The Mozuud Freedom Foundation – Irving Weisdorf, President

This falls into the category of “Ultra Zionist”.

Here are the facts: Jews promote the holocaust because it benefits them. The use it as a justification for censoring speech critical of them (since talking about Jewish power leads to another holocaust), and as a reason for banning any outward tribalism among whites (since white racial identity will lead to another holocaust).

Guys like Peterson are promoted because the tide is changing direction and Jews understand this. People know that whites hate “liberals” and because even the dumbest white vaguely understands that “liberal” policies have led to the decline of their country, but they don’t understand exactly what is happening, since to understand what is happening you need to understand the role of Jews in political and intellectual movements of the last half century. Peterson is promoted because he is willing to critique “the left”, while re-inforcing holocaust dogma, refuting discussion of Jewish influence (read his response to Kevin MacDonalds’ culture of Critique), and urging whites not to act tribally.

If guys like Jordan Peterson fail in their task, whites will become increasingly skeptical of the holocaust, the role of Jews in intellectual and political movements in the west (feminism, multiculturalism, white guilt, anti-white hate, affirmative action, endless race mixing propaganda, anti-police activism, etc), and whites will become more and more tribal in their effort to counteract the predations of what they consider to be a hostile and determined racial enemy. The logical conclusion is Nazism 2.0 and Jews lose all of the privileges they’ve worked to create for themselves since world war II.

Peterson is simply the pubic face of a Jewish “conservative” intellectual movement that has been created to protect Jews from angry whites by creating a “conservative” movement that takes the heat away from Jews.
Jordan Peterson is the public face of a Jewish “conservative” movement. His role is to promote a “conservative ideology” of holocaust orthodoxy and by extension the idea that Jewish power should not be discussed because talk of Jewish power will lead to another holocaust, and anti-white nationalism, since white racial identity will lead to another holocaust.

So, he promotes radical individualism to whites, with the goal of making whites atomized so that they are incapable of mounting an organized defence against the schemes and predations of organized Jewry, since whites can only defend themselves in the way that Jews can: by organizing and creating their own organizations and institutions like the ADL that fight for their own racial interests, as well as working together to capture institutions that Jews currently have control of.

If guys like Jordan Peterson fail in their task, whites will become increasingly skeptical of the holocaust, the role of Jews in intellectual and political movements in the west (feminism, multiculturalism, white guilt, anti-white hate, affirmative action, endless race mixing propaganda, anti-police activism, etc), and whites will become more and more tribal in their effort to counteract the predations of what they consider to be a hostile and determined racial enemy. The logical conclusion for whites that want to protect themselves is Nazism 2.0 (open discussion of Jews, and tribalism among whites) and as in world war II, there is a chance that Jews lose all of the privileges they’ve worked to create for themselves since world war II.

That’s what this whole thign with peterson is about. Stopping whites from thinking tribally, and diverting the attention of whites away from the JQ which is central to discussing why western civilization is in the current state of turmoil that it is in.

The CIGI Persons

There are a number of CIGI persons connected to the University of Toronto, which is the same university Jordan Peterson teaches at:

The president of CIGI, Rohinton P. Medhora, “received his doctorate in economics in 1988 from the University of Toronto, where he also subsequently taught for a number of years. In addition to his Ph.D., Rohinton earned his B.A. and M.A. at the University of Toronto, where he majored in economics.” (Medhora)

Sarah Burch, a senior fellow with CIGI’s Global Economy Program, had her most recent book (entitled Understanding Climate Change: Science, Policy and Practice) published by University of Toronto Press, 2014. (Burch)

Joël Blit, a CIGI senior fellow, “holds a Ph.D. in international economics from the University of Toronto, an M.A. in economics from the University of Western Ontario, an M.B.A. from INSEAD, an M.Sc. in computer engineering from the University of Waterloo and a B.Sc. in engineering science from the University of Toronto.” (Blit)

John Borrows, a senior fellow with CIGI’s International Law Research Program, was a professor in the faculty of law at the University of Toronto. “John’s publications include Recovering Canada: The Resurgence of Indigenous Law; Canada’s Indigenous Constitution; Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism; and Drawing Out Law: A Spirit’s Guide, all from the University of Toronto Press. He holds a B.A. in political science and history, an M.A. in geography, and a J.D. and an LL.M. from the University of Toronto.” (Borrows)

Andrew Clement, a University of Toronto professor, is also listed on the ‘person’ page; however, there is no info whatsoever about what he has to do with CIGI. This is all we’re given: Andrew Clement is professor emeritus in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, where he coordinates the Information Policy Research Program and co-founded the Identity Privacy and Security Institute. With a Ph.D. in computer science, he has had long-standing research and teaching interests in the social implications of information/communication technologies and participatory design. Among his recent privacy/surveillance research projects is, an internet mapping tool that helps make more visible NSA mass internet surveillance activities and the routing of Canadian personal data through them. (Clement)

It’s highly likely that Clement and Peterson know each other quite well.

Good stuff, it looks like Andrew Clement has quite a lot of writing published on, mostly about the Internet:

Another connection to U of T is Peter Munk’s ‘Munk School of Global Affairs’:

>The Munk School of Global Affairs (also referred to as the Munk School) at the University of Toronto is an interdisciplinary academic centre with various research and educational programs committed to the field of globalization.

Peterson recently participated in a “””debate””” put on by ‘Munk Debates’:

The CIGI Persons

There are a number of CIGI persons connected to the University of Toronto, which is the same university Jordan Peterson teaches at:

The president of CIGI, Rohinton P. Medhora, “received his doctorate in economics in 1988 from the University of Toronto, where he also subsequently taught for a number of years. In addition to his Ph.D., Rohinton earned his B.A. and M.A. at the University of Toronto, where he majored in economics.” (Medhora)

Sarah Burch, a senior fellow with CIGI’s Global Economy Program, had her most recent book (entitled Understanding Climate Change: Science, Policy and Practice) published by University of Toronto Press, 2014. (Burch)

Joël Blit, a CIGI senior fellow, “holds a Ph.D. in international economics from the University of Toronto, an M.A. in economics from the University of Western Ontario, an M.B.A. from INSEAD, an M.Sc. in computer engineering from the University of Waterloo and a B.Sc. in engineering science from the University of Toronto.” (Blit)

John Borrows, a senior fellow with CIGI’s International Law Research Program, was a professor in the faculty of law at the University of Toronto. “John’s publications include Recovering Canada: The Resurgence of Indigenous Law; Canada’s Indigenous Constitution; Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism; and Drawing Out Law: A Spirit’s Guide, all from the University of Toronto Press. He holds a B.A. in political science and history, an M.A. in geography, and a J.D. and an LL.M. from the University of Toronto.” (Borrows)

Andrew Clement, a University of Toronto professor, is also listed on the ‘person’ page; however, there is no info whatsoever about what he has to do with CIGI. This is all we’re given: Andrew Clement is professor emeritus in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, where he coordinates the Information Policy Research Program and co-founded the Identity Privacy and Security Institute. With a Ph.D. in computer science, he has had long-standing research and teaching interests in the social implications of information/communication technologies and participatory design. Among his recent privacy/surveillance research projects is, an internet mapping tool that helps make more visible NSA mass internet surveillance activities and the routing of Canadian personal data through them. (Clement)

It’s highly likely that Clement and Peterson know each other quite well.

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