Notes on Global Corporate Conspiracies

The fundamental text is an open-source academic paper:
Network of Global Corporate Control.

Forbes analyzed the paper:

the web of corporate control is not de facto a conspiracy of world domination. There are many reasons for tightly bundled nodes and connections: anti-takeover strategies, reduction of transaction costs, risk sharing, increasing trust and groups of interest.

A few caveats with the data set: It excludes GSEs and privately-held companies and is dominated by banks, institutional investors and mutual funds that don’t always have much in the way of control over assets. Reader danogden left an especially good comment below: “…pension plans, corporate 401(k) plans and individual funds..manage trillions in assets ultimately belonging to individuals who are predominantly not in the “1%”. …There are a number of “custodian banks” in the list — companies who hold the assets of asset managers to ensure timely processing of things like foreign dividend and bond interest, name changes (due to mergers, etc.), foreign currency conversion and the like…Again, they do not own the assets, or even really control the assets — they merely house the assets. A better list would be the actual asset OWNERS, rather than the vendors who manage, house and clear said assets.”

In 2013, Jeff Nielson wrote:

In 1980, in an infamous episode of “American Justice”; the Hunt Brothers were charged (and convicted) with attempting to “corner the silver market” – i.e. an attempt to monopolize it. At the time prosecution commenced, the Hunt Brothers had only managed to acquire less than 20% of total global inventories.

Nonetheless, given the strict provisions of our anti-trust laws this was a violation. In this one (relatively tiny) market; even a 20% concentration by a single entity is considered unacceptable. But that was when our governments were less-corrupt, and still enforced these laws on at least a semi-regular basis.

Flash ahead to 2013, and readers of my previous commentary were presented with the earth-shattering findings of a trio of Swiss researchers:

In detail, nearly 4/10 of the control over the economic value of [all transnational corporations] in the world is held, via a complicated web of ownership relations, by a group of 147 [transnational corporations] in the core, which has almost full control over itself. The top holders within the core can thus be thought of as an economic “super-entity” in the global network of corporations. A relevant additional fact at this point is that ¾ of the core are financial intermediaries. [emphasis mine]

In 1980, it was intolerable for one entity to have even a 20% share of one, small market. In 2013, the same cabal of (Western) governments has allowed a “super-entity” to acquire double that share – not of a single (small) market, or a whole sector, or even an entire economy. Rather, this is a single “super-entity” with 40% control of everything.

Of course when these researchers coined their term “super-entity”, they had no need of inventing new terminology. The word they were searching for was “monopoly”: a single monopoly with 40% control over the entire global economy.

Obviously what is being implied here is not minority control in every single market/sector/economy. Clearly this One Monopoly has a stranglehold over 40% of all markets/sectors/economies – with this obscene level of control spreading rapidly, like a particularly virulent economic cancer.

When the researchers speak of the ¾ of the “core” which are “financial intermediaries”; what this euphemistic language means is that ¾ of this giant monopoly are banks and bank holding-companies. The One Monopoly is one, big bank.

Despite its fraud-bloated size; the entire Western financial sector (all of these rapacious, utterly criminal Big Banks) would form only a small component of this One Bank. Thus while it is not necessarily true that the One Bank has effective control of all these fraud-factories; it is undoubtedly true that it controls the vast majority of them.

A “banking monopoly” with 40% control of all sectors of the global economy will obviously have a much, much higher concentration of control in the Heart of the Beast. The Big Banks of the West are literally “partners in crime” in the truest sense of that expression.

What is the crime being perpetrated by the One Bank? Anyone who reads even the diluted accounts of the Corporate Media will already know that the One Bank is involved in a cornucopia of crime, with the Attorney General of the United States, himself, publicly pledging to cover up all this (literal) organized crime. The One Bank is a crime syndicate.

However, among this litany of financial/economic atrocities, one grandiose scheme stands out above all others: nothing less than the economic enslavement of all humanity. While the “web” of corporate fronts which hides this obscene/illegal monolith may be intentionally convoluted; its strategy couldn’t be simpler.

Persuade/coerce all the Puppet Governments under its influence to intentionally become over-indebted, literally to the brink of bankruptcy…and then blood-suck. Steal a (large) portion of all the labours of all productive members of our society as so-called “interest payments” – forever.

The One Bank is above all else a gigantic parasite, claiming a large piece of all human production while earning none of it.

Understand that in one way or another, all of the massive/unrepayable bond debts of these Deadbeat Debtors are thoroughly tainted with fraud. How did (nearly) all of the West’s governments bury themselves in debt, far past the point of insolvency? They had a lot of help.


After these governments were already all on the threshold of insolvency; the One Bank sent its minions to begin whispering in the ears of all these Puppet Governments. The One Bank had “discovered” a magical way for all these governments to all borrow much, much more – and still remain solvent (claimed the minions).

The “magic” was via all the extremely complex (and entirely illegal) “financial derivatives” which the Puppet Governments had allowed these bankers to bring into existence. Indeed, the most-destructive/most-illegal form of these derivatives (credit-default swaps) had been explicitly banned in the U.S. for nearly a century based on anti-gambling statutes.

The promises of the minions of the One Bank were all lies. There was no “magic” way to permanently reduce interest rates, and thus permanently be able to (viably) finance much more debt.

When these financial fiduciaries (i.e. the minions of the One Bank) made their financial warranties which were unequivocally false, that was fraud. Moreover, the primary tool to perpetrate this fraud was credit-default swaps – i.e. illegal instruments.

All Western bond debts are the product of fraudulent misrepresentation, perpetrated through the use of illegal instruments (credit-default swaps, et al). According to the most basic tenets of the Rule of Law; all of these bond debts are now thoroughly tainted with fraud – and thus null-and-void as a matter of law.

The fact that our corrupt governments have (at best) passively facilitated the rape of their own economies, and “legitimized” all this bond fraud/crime by refusing to enforce their own laws cannot redeem the inherent fraud of these transactions.

When Debt Jubilee arrives and all these bond-debts are wiped clean (as they have been in previous historical episodes of similar, systemic fraud); the basis for eradicating all this debt will not be purely in morality, but also clearly in legality. The crime must end. Humanity must be allowed to remove the Yoke of the One Bank.

While undoubtedly many reader questions still remain about this malevolent “super-entity”, certainly one question rises above all others. Can we put a specific name to this “one bank”? Apparently so: Rothschild.

Many historical sources document the Rothschild clan as being unquestionably the wealthiest “house” on the planet in the 19th century, my own favorite source being the superlative documentary, The Money Masters. This clan has never suffered any significant, publicly-recorded financial set-back. Yet flash ahead to the early 21st century, and on any (so-called) “world’s wealthiest list” you will never see the Rothschild name appear.

Simply having “more money” makes it easier to accumulate (i.e. steal) even more money. Thus our presumption (if anything) is that House Rothschild would have extended the financial gap which separates these Misers from humanity.

The implication here is clear. The “world’s richest” lists compiled in the propaganda of the Corporate Media are simply the “B-list” billionaires. What does it mean to really be one of the “world’s wealthiest”? Being able to have your name removed from that propaganda list.

The Rothschilds, world’s wealthiest bankers of the 19th and 20th centuries, have (apparently) succeeded in creating One Bank, in order to greatly expand/accelerate their looting of all the wealth of humanity in the 21st century. How important is such a corporate front to the malevolent aspirations of House Rothschild?

Here the Swiss researchers are unequivocal:

In particular, the top ranked actors hold a control ten times bigger than what could be expected based on their wealth. [emphasis mine]

The One Bank is nothing less than a gigantic “amplifier” of financial crime – apparently the new crimes of House Rothschild.

Further, in 2015, he wrote:

two years ago; a commentary was published entitled “The One Bank”. The empirical foundation for the article (and the paradigm) was an extensive computer model, produced by a trio of academics at a university in Switzerland, and originally reviewed in an article from Forbes.

The gist of the computer modeling was that a single “super-entity”, by itself, controlled roughly 40% of the global economy. The term “super-entity” is simply a synonym for monopoly. The research further stipulated that ¾ of the 140+ (gigantic) corporate fronts which comprised this mega-monopoly were financial intermediaries (i.e. banks), hence the title, The One Bank.

The research names “names”. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Credit Suisse, UBS, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, and Lehman Brothers are among the Big Banks listed as being tentacles of this enormous, financial crime syndicate. Note that the latter names on that list are deceased, (supposed) “casualties” of the Crash of ’08. But with all of these financial tentacles part of a single whole; this proves that the bail-outs which came after that event, and even the crash itself were pure fraud.

All of these financial losses were internal: one tentacle of the crime syndicate (supposedly) “losing money” to another tentacle of the same entity, meaning they were just phony, paper-losses which never really existed. The tentacle on the receiving end of the “losses” was enriched by that amount, meanwhile the tentacle on the losing end was indemnified via (fraudulent) taxpayer-funded “bail-outs”. Heads I win; tails you lose.

The rationale behind these fraudulent bail-outs is that they were to “protect the financial system from collapse.” However, with “the financial system” being little more than the One Bank, itself, and all of its supposed losses being internal; there was never any threat to the system. There was no financial rationale for even one cent of the fraudulent $trillions in “bail-outs” (while these same, corrupt governments radically cut funding for programs which helped/served the People).

With there being no real “losses”, and absolutely no “threat”; there was never any need or justification for the sudden, abrupt, and coordinated suspension of all credit, from these same Big Bank tentacles. It is well-documented that it was the sudden, coordinated (and total) suspension of all credit – to a global economy ‘addicted’ to such credit – which was the trigger for that painful, global contraction. All fraud. All conspiracy.

Equally, there was/is never the slightest financial justification for dubbing these Big Banks “too big to fail”. Not only is such nonsense entirely antithetical to our (supposed) “capitalist” system, it is simply more fraud: a pledge by our ultra-corrupt governments to permanently indemnify all of the tentacles of this crime syndicate against “losses” which don’t even exist.

In addition to that empirical foundation; we have the blatant/obvious evidence of the same Big Banks being caught committing the same mega-crimes (again and again) – and clearly acting in tandem rather than in competition with each other. Indeed, perpetrating conspiracies like manipulating the LIBOR rate and manipulating international currencies require that these Big Banks act in collusion.

Beyond that; previous commentaries have laid out the evidentiary foundation for a “Master Program” (computerized trading algorithm), by which this financial crime syndicate can (and does) literally manipulate all of the world’s markets. Further empirical evidence lies in the markets, themselves. The yo-yo like manner in which these markets move up and down, in synchronicity, day after day, month after month is impossible for any legitimate/functional market, let alone all markets, simultaneously.

When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the answer. So said Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and it is a tautology which would serve readers well. Markets diverge; it’s what they do. Therefore when, suddenly, all these markets begin to behave like herds of sheep rather than herds of cats; it can only be because some Invisible Hand is exerting direct (and absolute) control over those markets.

This “impossible” (inexplicable?) market behavior began at precisely the same time that so called “HFT trading” (i.e. trading via computer algorithms) literally took over our markets. Then we have the evidence of crime itself: evidence presented that half of all trades at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange are illegal and manipulative: 100 phony/illegal (computerized) trades per second, every hour of every day in which that crime exchange operates.

Manipulation on such a gigantic scale requires the financial clout of an entity much larger than any single, Big Bank. Further evidence has emerged of numerous ways/means by which these trading algorithms can and do manipulate our markets, along with empirical evidence that this computerized manipulation is coordinated – i.e. perpetrated by a single Invisible Hand, the hand of the One Bank.

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