phlegmatic humors

People keep searching for “henpecked husband humorus.”

There is such a thing as a “humerus”:

There is an adjective “humorous,” which is not spelled “humourous.”

And if you believe your metabolism is governed by fiery, airy, watery, and earthy humors, you could try to purge your humors, possibly by cupping and bleeding or strategic use of leeches:


Scholarly analysis of history:


Historical context: the privatization of public government for private profit:



Follow the Money: How Israel-Linked Billionaires Silenced US Campus Protests

Media Manipulation: The Truth About The Gaza Death Toll


House Committee Approves Release Of Evidence Showing Hunter Lied To Congress Under Oath

Border Patrol Agents Describe The Horrors They’ve Witnessed At Border: ‘Rotting Human Remains, Raped Children’

There Sure Has Been a Lot of “International Intrigue” Lately…

The Disinformation Governance Board Couldn’t Clearly Define “Disinformation”

From Bookstore to Big Brother: How Amazon Tracks Your Every Move and What To Do About It

“Are You Staring Me Down?”: Judge Merchan Becomes an Oddity in his Own Courtroom

James Comey Warns Trump Will Gut FBI & DOJ If Re-Elected: ‘That’s a Danger for All Americans’

Pier Pressure:

Why Did the U.S. Spend $320 million on a Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza?



‘Israeli soldier’ from notorious unit confesses to US citizen’s killing

Comment: The 8kun post does not mention that Israelis probably killed JFK and put LBJ, who was ethnically Jewish, in his place.

Taken from 8kun:

The US-Israel Special Relationship Timeline That AIPAC Doesn’t Want You To See

May 14, 1948– Official Recognition- The United States of America becomes the first country to officially recognize Israel as an independent nation.

1949-1973- US-Israel Aid Commences– The United States gives Israel an average of $122 million per year in foreign aid payments.

Summer 1954– Lavon Affair– Israel recruits Egyptian Jews to blow up American and British targets in Egypt. Israel planned on blaming the murderous false-flag attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood in an effort to garner support from the US and Britain. After officially denying any involvement, the Israeli government finally admitted their role in the incident in 2005 by honoring the surviving agents with a certificate of appreciation.

1955-1970- Israel Steals American Uranium to Build It’s First Nuclear Weapons– In 2011, the Institute for Research on Middle Eastern Policy examined hundreds of newly de-classified documents from the FBI and CIA and discovered that Israeli spies in collaboration with American Jews stole hundreds of kilograms of weapons grade uranium from US stockpiles and shipped it to Israel. Although Israel does not officially acknowledge the possession of nuclear weapons, their nuclear arsenal is estimated at between 200-300 nuclear weapons. (Source)

1963– AIPAC Formed– The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) “America’s Pro-Israel Lobby” is formed, but refuses to comply with US law and register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. AIPAC has been in violation of federal law for nearly 50 years, but through political contributions and connections, AIPAC officials have remained above prosecution for their many violations of Federal law, including espionage (as addressed later).

June 8, 1967– USS Liberty– Israeli jets and torpedo boats attack the American naval ship USS Liberty with the intention of murdering every sailor on board and then blaming the attack on Egypt. Israel’s goal was to draw America into the Israeli-Arab War. Israel has officially claimed the attack was an “accident,” but every survivor of the USS Liberty claimed that it could not possibly have been an accident given that Israeli jets flew directly over the ship hours earlier on several occasions and one pilot flew so close that he waved to the US sailors, and the sailors waved back. Given the proximity of the jets and the surrounding facts of the incident, there is no question that Israel knew whose ship it was. Lt. General Marshall Carter, the director of the NSA, told congress the attack, “couldn’t be anything else but deliberate.” A later coverup ensued, and in 2002, Captain Ward JAGC senior counsel for the court of inquiry claimed that the court of inquiry’s findings were intended to coverup what was a deliberate attack by Israel on a ship it knew to be American.

The US-Israel Special Relationship Timeline That AIPAC Doesn’t Want You To See


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German state succeeded with less than a third of planned deportations last year

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CIA’s Hong Kong Agitators Now Living It Up on Mainland

Globalists Aim To “Peacefully” Depopulate Six Billion People From The Planet

The Hidden Messages of the Power Elite’s Cultural Apparatus

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