drugs, pornography, videogames, junk food, social media, and the now ever popular gender transition


Increasingly, young men in the USA don’t marry, don’t have sex, and don’t have girlfriends. Over 40% of zoomer males have never had sexual intercourse. The median age of the cohort is 21. This is historically unprecedented. Women have a calming and pacifying effect on males, even on the biological level; cohabiting with a partner lowers your testosterone and drastically decreases your violent crime rate. But young men in the USA aren’t doing that. Settling down with a woman requires resources. It requires a stake in society. It requires a slice of American land. For millennials and zoomers, this is close to impossible. The chance that you marry increases massively if you own property. The chance that you have children increases massively too. The inability of young men to buy property is directly causing their failure to have long-term partners and children. Guys who 40 years ago would have been doing DIY, building a front porch, volunteering at the local church, and helping raise their kids, are today spending their nights ranting about the Jews on 4Chan or are gaming until 4am – they’ve given up on a promise that largely doesn’t exist anymore. If you are concerned about the possibility of a violent revolution, this development should alarm you. OWS touched on this issue, but the two major “leftist” political movements, #MeToo and #BLM, have not even obliquely addressed this problem. In the case of #MeToo, male success and well-being is probably directly antithetical to the movement’s stated objectives (inasmuch as they ever relate to material reality, which is rare).

The USA has developed a new solution to pacifying young men that does not depend on marriage, children, love, community, business ownership, or ownership of a little plot of land to call their own. The new solution is drugs, pornography, videogames, junk food, social media, and the now ever popular gender transition. So far, it appears to have worked to sedate the young men. Even the angriest young men are so physically unfit from their sedentary lifestyles and corn-syrup diets that the chances of them forming a cohort of red guards and door-to-door murdering landlords is vanishingly slim.

They’re much more likely to smoke a blunt, eat some fruit loops, watch Rick and Morty, or dress up as their favorite female anime character for other lonely guys online. But how long can this passivity last? Are we kicking the can down the road, or have we finally found a way to permanently stop violent revolutions? Is this what Francis Fukuyama called the ‘end of history’? Will Zoomer males, totally iced out of land ownership and business ownership be content with subscription-service *everything*, spending their lives as perpetual, sexless tenants, receiving government UBI stipends which get funneled instantly into the pockets of a hedge fund megalandlord like BLACKROCK and online pornography purveyors of OnlyFans? Is Ready Player One the perfect image of the immediate future? Are corn syrup, Nintendo, porn, and weed the ultimate technology in preventing Mao Zedong or Adolf Hitler from rising again? It’s very hard to tell, not least because exactly 0 good-faith sociologists are examining what is going on in all-male spaces and male culture. We simply have no idea how close we are to a Bolshevik revolution. It might happen tomorrow. Or it may never happen again in the West.

Here’s an excerpt from an online forum popular with zoomer males: “I’m going to own a house by the time I’m 40. If I can’t afford it, I’ll fucking take it. I’ll shoot someone and take their fucking house. I’m an American, and I’m going to own a piece of America. My ancestors killed and took land. If I can’t buy it legally, I’ll do the fucking same. Fuck Black Rock Capital. Fuck the government. Fuck my faggot kike landlord and his bitch of a wife. I’m not a rentcuck.” How many young men feel the same way? Do they speak to each other? How many more politically peaceful chances do we have to avoid them enacting this fantasy? Do wealthy Americans of the managerial class understand that there are increasingly angry, deracinated, alienated young men with absolutely no incentive to maintain society as it is? The CIA, FBI, and NSA have identified angry young men as the #1 terrorist threat to the USA. But is that really true of a group of emotionally and mentally castrated young men? Unfortunately, the proposed solutions by those at the helm are, inevitably, of the managerial type: we need more censors, more anti-bias training, more government spying, more anti-racist educators, more control over publishing, more scrutiny of social media, more shaming of young men, more language policing, more women and people of color in positions of power. None of these solutions make even passing reference to why males are angry. Who cares? Will these solutions work?

Many of you may think that I’m exclusively talking about the bete noire of American politics, the dreaded White Male. Soon, that won’t be true. Over 50% of under-18’s in the USA are Hispanic. As of 2021, the median age of Hispanics is 11. In less than a decade, a colossal cohort of young, low-net- worth, low-education young males are going to begin adulthood. Their parents usually married and settled down. The younger generation of Hispanics do not. They don’t marry, they don’t have kids, they don’t own businesses, and they don’t own property. Will they be satisfied with a future of perpetual tenancy to non-hispanic landlords, compounded by their humiliating cultural inferiority to the non-hispanic white population? Will they peacefully lay down and accept their fate? The best outcome is a descent into constant low-level violence, as we see in Columbia, Mexico, etc. However, another likely outcome is an actual revolution as young men from this cohort decide to take what they want. If working doesn’t get you anywhere, what kind of an imbecile works? Americans tend to think of everything in racial terms, but I’m suspicious. If we look at the groups that those in charge try to pit against each other (whites, blacks, latinos) we can see what this group may look like if they ever came together. You’d have rural whites, urban blacks, and 2nd generation Hispanics setting aside their differences and torching country clubs and breaching the most exclusive gated communities. Little wonder that identity politics is so enthusiastically endorsed by politicians and elites! They’re absolutely right: At this point in history, actual cross-racial solidarity will almost certainly lead to a violent revolution. If white young men and black young men realize that their enemies are landlords, hedge fund managers, and the politicians who protect them – well, if that happens, I hope you’ve stocked up on ammunition, and that you don’t have too many frail dependents. I encourage you to take a glance at the Chinese anti-rightist campaign, the Chinese Land Reform movement, or Soviet dekulakization. Check out Pol Pot’s Year Zero. When young men get angry, get together, and put on armbands, stark changes start to happen to society. If #MeToo is a concern, please understand that mass-rape has been a component of many revolutions throughout history. If #BLM is your concern, please understand that racial genocides have also been a component of many revolutions, with few exceptions. I would encourage the intellectual and managerial elite to stop trying to find innovative ways to be remunerated for non-productive labor, stop focusing on virtue and culture, and instead start worrying about material reality. Worry about property ownership, about who owns this country, and about what is going to happen if we don’t get back to a place where owning a little bit of land and a home to raise a family in is possible.

I’m not a cynic or an empty critic. I have suggestions. I believe that politicians must address the following: Facilitate a course that restores the basic premise of residential property ownership by US citizens. Every American should be able to own a piece of America. Inhibit mega-landlords and absentee landlords (Blackrock, StateStreet, Vanguard, etc). Landlords have been the direct, proximate cause of several revolutions in human history. Inhibit hedge funds and banks from speculating in residential property and buying up entire neighborhoods for SFR’s or buying properties 20-30% over appraisal which prevents everyday buyers from participating in home ownership and wealth building. Inhibit foreigners from purchasing US land; ideally forbid it entirely. There is no reason China or any other nation for that matter should own land around US military installations, major sections of our domestic food production facilities, or our infrastructure. The Aristocracy must engage in good-faith conversations about immigration that are not centered on racism. Increasing the supply of labor decreases wages. Increasing the supply of tenants increases rents and house prices. Foreigners are less likely to unionize. These are cogent, left-wing concerns, and smearing all discussion about immigration as racist is not productive. And we MUST discourage identity politics. Poor blacks and poor whites have more in common than poor whites have with rich whites. Ditto women and men. Class politics and real issues have to be endorsed again.

We must avoid and disassemble the welfare-bureaucracy-handout/UBI style socialism that has taken root in this nation. Its a safety net for hard times. Not the base upon which entire communities and cultures should be built on. This is the Latin American model, and it’s historically disastrous. Cuba, Venezuela, Columbia, etc. have experimented with it, and it always fails. Politics should focus on the wealth gap and ownership. The general public should own their own home, have a stake in their business, and have a stake in their community. A nation of government-dependent tenants WILL be violently unstable. History proves this. – Stop shaming the poor and everyday folks as ‘hillbillies’, ‘hicks’, ‘rednecks’, ‘flyover country’, etc. The Aristocracy and those who vote alongside them MUST stand up for the everyday worker. The elite, hypereducated capture of the left is utterly, disastrously toxic. There is no reason a guy working construction should be paying taxes which pay for some Ivy League students worthless English degree. It prevents us from solving the problems that threaten social stability. We must encourage real-life social institutions. The abandonment and disenfranchisement from society is disastrous. Humans need social community in the physical realm.

Respecting young men may be difficult, but if society continues this trend, it will, likely within a generation or two learn to fear them.

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