history of female breasts as seen in “Funkytown” videos

All right, at this point you have figured out that my titles are usually misleading jokes that are too in-joke-y to be funny to a broad audience.

Quite a few people are searching for this blog with the query “history of female breasts evolution” and as long as people search for this blog, I will continue making weak jokes about the search queries.

There are few, if any breasts to be seen in this post. It is mostly political news links and a few memes. I might make a few puns from 1980s pop songs if I can figure out how to parody “West End Girls” and “DSM girls.”

Note that some of these embedded videos might not get archived properly, so right-click and save any of them that interest you as soon as you can.




More on Tactical Nuke Exercises and Russian Escalatory Options

Friday Update — ICJ Rules Against Israel As Ukraine Crosses a Major Red Line

No Matter What the U.S. Does to Arm Ukraine, There Is No Path To Victory

America: Learning Life’s Lessons the Hard Way

Britain has HATED Russia since the 1840s and launched the Crimean War that was a war of choice in modern Parliament—a war of choice by Palmerston in the 1850s—because it hated Russia. So, this author tries to understand where this hate came from, because it was the same kind of iterative hate that we have now. And by the way, we hated the Soviet Union because it was Communist, but we hated Russia afterwards when it wasn’t communist. It doesn’t matter. So, it’s a deeper phenomenon, and he tries to trace where this hatred came from. The fascinating point is, Russia and Britain were on the same side in the Napoleonic Wars from 1812 to 1815, from the Battle of Moscow in Russia to Napoleon’s defeat in Waterloo.

Britain got another bolt in its quiver against Russia in the form of the Jewish diaspora. At the time, the Russian pogroms had caused a wave of resettlements of Russian Jews to the ‘Pale of Settlement’, which mostly consisted of modern day Poland, western Ukraine, the Baltics, etc.

And this is where the two-pronged attack on Russia began. Benjamin Disraeli is cited by many as one of the fathers of Zionism, not only having put forth one of the first ‘Zionist’ visions in his book The Wondrous Tale of Alroy, but likewise even positioning himself to be the Messiah of the Jewish people by creating Israel

At the time of the rise of truly international banking, Rothschild and many other Jewish bankers were ascendant. So this was perfect time to utilize these combined vectors as a new attack on Russia. It is why Jacob Schiff funded both the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese war, as well as the Bolsheviks leading up to the 1917 revolution. Since the most powerful dynasties like that of the Rothschilds made their home in Britain the country became a single coordination point against Russia. However, it’s not quite as black and white as it seems. After the Bolsheviks took power and began stripping Western banking and other assets, Schiff and his brood quickly turned against them, pulling out his money. Britain, likewise, sent an expeditionary force on the side of the White forces against the Bolsheviks, who had effectively co-opted the Western plan.


also archived at:


See also:


Hard Times Ahead for Europe long after the Nation Killers are dead




Yair Netanyahu Shares Vid of IDF Soldier Threatening Defense Minister Yoav Gallant With Military Coup
Chris Menahan
May. 25, 2024


The CIA, in cooperation with other Western intelligence assets, created al-Qaeda and ISIS and the real reason it built a $100 billion base in Niger has nothing to do with eliminating Islamic terrorism. The real reason that base is there, and why the French have been there for even longer, is because Niger is rich in Uranium and has vast untapped oil reserves, gold-mining operations, coal mining and other resources that the West has been exploiting for decades.

The real reason why U.S. and French troops have been in Niger for Years


State Dept: ‘Atheism Grant’ May Have Been Misused

UPDATE: Chinese Nationals Breached US Military Bases and Sensitive US Sites Over 100 Times in Recent Years

Prosecutor Gives Up On Interference Case Against Citizen Journalist

‘Woke’ FBI Signs Agreement With Blacks In Government As House GOP Investigates Rampant DEI Hires

mRNA Shots Permanently Alter DNA of Vaxxed & Their Offspring, Censored Study Shows

Covid Shots Linked to Surge in ‘Rare Blood Cancer,’ Study Finds

BLM Founder and Vice-Presidential Candidate Loses Lawsuit Against the LAPD

“The Laptop is Real”: Justice Department Denounces Claims of Russian Disinformation as a Biden “Conspiracy Theory”

Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa Calls on Harvard Graduate to Support Censorship in the Name of Democracy

The Spy Who Loved Me? Morris Reportedly Protected by CIA in Hunter Biden Investigation

Isn’t It Time We Discuss the Leading Cause of Antisemitism in America?


Analysis: The Future of Surveillance? Microsoft Introduces Always-Watching Feature For Every PC

New Documents Reveal Researchers Had Plans to Continue Election Censorship Into 2024

There Are Two Narratives on the January 6 Capitol Riots: The Left Calls it a Fascist Coup Attempt. The Right Calls it a Fedsurrection. Which Narrative is Correct? Or Are They Both?



Leaked Video Shows Moderna CEO Telling Fauci “We Should Fake a Pandemic” – One Month Before COVID












in the context of:




Et tu, Marine? Le Pen’s betrayal of the AfD is a historic mistake that could destroy the European right








Jan. 6 Revelation: Officer Describes Secret Symbols Undercover Gov’t Operatives Wore During Operation



Click to access DC-Noncitizen-Voting-Training-2024.pdf

Toxic Gaslighting: How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Safe
Decades ago, Kris Hansen showed 3M that its PFAS chemicals were in people’s bodies. Her bosses halted her work. As the EPA now forces the removal of the chemicals from drinking water, she wrestles with the secrets that 3M kept from her and the world.



Late update:



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